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Step 1: Setting up the Development Evironment

First, the best way to get acquainted with the current state of the project is to install the development version. Please follow the instructions here to set things up

Click to expand Instruction set

  1. 1. Clone PeARS repo

    git clone -b development https://github.com/PeARSearch/PeARS.git
    cd PeARS
  2. 2. Setting up the development environment

    You can use script or the automatic installation instruction below.

    Automatic installation:

    $ python install.py

    1. 2.1. Set up virtualenv

      We recommend using virtualenv for the development. If you are just here for test it out, skip to the next section.

      Install pip using easy_install
      sudo easy_install pip

      or some other way your distribution supports like:

      sudo yum install python-pip
      Install virtualenv using pip
      sudo pip install virtualenv
      Create a new virtualenv for PeARS and activate it
      virtualenv pears_env && source pears_env/bin/activate
    2. 2.2. Install the build dependencies

      We recommend using pip for installation. In case you don't have this, look inside requirements.txt and install dependencies manually.

      pip install -r requirements.txt
    3. 2.3. Get the sematic space

      In the root directory of the repo, run

      wget http://clic.cimec.unitn.it/~aurelie.herbelot/openvectors.dump.bz2


      python uncompress_db.py openvectors.dump.bz2
  3. 3. Running the PeARS search engine

    In the root directory of the repo, run

    python run.py

    Go to the browser and type localhost:5000. You should find PeARS running there. We have provided a couple of demo pears for you to try. They of course only cover a tiny amount of pages and information. Try some queries related to food (e.g. chocolate cake') or the enviromnent (e.g.endangered species')

Do let us know is anything isn't working for you. In case you'd like to read up on the technical background for PeARS, we have provided a few useful links here.

Step 2: Check for Open Issues

check out the current issues in the PeARS and browsing-history-analyser repos. You may find something you might like to contribute to. Things are changing quite rapidly, so it is always best to drop us a short line saying you'd like to take on the issue before you actually make a start. We may have more up-to-date info than what is on GitHub!

  1. PeARSearch/PeARS

    Open Issues:

Step 3: Connect with the Team

if you have other ideas, comments, problems, don't hesitate to contact us, either on IRC or on our discussion board (see below for details).

Meet the Team