PeARS recipient
Mozilla MOSS Award

PeARS team is very excited to have been chosen as one of eight recipients of a MOSS "mission partners" award. We congratulate the other grantees who all have exciting projects, from anonymity preservation to game engines and screen readers for the visually impaired!

What does the award mean for PeARS? We received a generous award of $15,500, which will allow us to do the following:

We invite everybody to check out the Mozilla manifesto. PeARS wholeheartedly supports the initiative and hope to contribute to the MOSS community in several ways:

Like our goals? Then come and chat to us. You can contribute too!

Ready to start contributing to PeARS?

That's great! We are very active on IRC and our discourse discussion platform. Check out our contributors' page, and drop us a post, or say 'Hi' to us over IRC!